MS Voices Leads the Way in Pharma Customer Service


By Sven Larsen(@svenplarsen)

Who’s doing it right?

That’s a question we’re often asked since we’ve routinely challenged Pharma to embrace social media and an expanded dialogue with their customers. So it’s gratifying to find a prime example in our own backyard.

P & P’s parent company, digital agency Zemoga has worked with Weisscomm, EMD Serono and Pfizer on their MS Voices project for over a year now. We’ve written before about the MS Voices Facebook page and the industry leading approach that this partnership has developed to handle comments and questions from consumers. But Facebook is only part of the outreach efforts being made to the MS community.

At the heart of the project is the MS Voices call center, a remarkable customer service operation that has answered over a million inbound calls from the MS community. How’s that for starting a conversation? The call center includes patient enrollment specialists, patient support specialists, nurse support specialists and reimbursement specialists. Whenever someone in the MS community needs to speak to a live person, support is available toll free at 1-877-447-3243. The Ms Community can also visit MS Lifelines online at or on the MS Voices Facebook page.

The call center it truly devoted to providing the highest level of service to it’s callers and this week they announced that they received certification from the JD Power and Associates Call Center Program (the firs time JD Power has recognized a Pharma call center for service excellence). Certification requires passing a rigorous audit of service practices and receiving positive feedback from customer surveys and it’s a major recognition of the great work being done by the call center.

The MS Voices program is a terrific example of how two Pharma companies embraced a community and created a win-win situation for all involved. It’s also a great example of what the future of our industry may look like.

What do you think? Who else is doing it right and putting the customer first?



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