Social Media


FDA 2.0: Why Doesn’t “Beta” Work With the FDA?

Image by / CC BY 2.0 By DJ Edgerton Digital media functions on trial and error. Wikipedia was supposed to be a behind-the-scenes section of an online encyclopedia. SMS was...

How Are You Using Your Gift?

By Guy Mastrion I recently finished reading the 25th anniversary edition of The Gift by Lewis Hyde. It remains stellar for anyone involved in the making of art and, maybe even more poignantly, in...

How Collaboration Can Improve Healthcare for Everyone

By DJ Edgerton The relationships between patients, healthcare professionals, Pharma and the FDA are fraught on all sides. Emotions run high and names are frequently called as one group describes how the other...

Life is Tweet

Pixels and Pills hosted it's first ever Tweetup last night (part of the social activities surrounding the Digital Pharma Conference) and we had an awesome time talking and exchanging ideas with the ceme de la creme...

Back to Basics in Pharma Marketing

By Dan Bobear One thing I have learned over the years is to be wary of those who promise a quick fix for anything. Its one of those things you run into in every aspect of life. I just experienced it the other day...

Overwhelmed -Compliance, Collaboration and the FDA

By Sven Larsen Recently, the FTC announced that bloggers must disclose any gifts or free product samples they receive from a company when writing a product review or endorsement. The new ruling probably wont...

Healthcare Reform – A New Public Option?

By Guy Mastrion Our governments failure to enact a public health plan is ripe with ramifications. Many of which have nothing to do with healthcare, but maybe its not too late to suggest another idea: a public...

Healthcare Without Borders – International Perspectives on the Reform Debate

By DJ Edgerton July 31 can be marked as the point at which the American health care debate officially abandoned all logic. On that day, an Investors Business Daily editorial opined, "People such as scientist...

New Focus of Pharma: Risk Management Throughout the Life Cycle of a Medicine

By Jim Mittler, PhD Creating a heightened focus on drug safety early in the drug development process is becoming the new paradigm for pharmaceutical companies. After hearing risk management representatives from...

Patient 2.0: The Consumer’s Healthcare Experience

By DJ Edgerton The recurring series of Patient 2.0 posts looks at what goes on outside the marketing company and the exam room. Where are the other links in the healthcare chain and how can digital technology...

Here Comes 2010!

Welcome to the last quarter of 2009! And you know what that means. Well, yes, it does mean that the Aughts are about to end and now we can start listening to people argue over what the next decade should be...

Pharma and Social Media: There’s Nowhere to Hide

In this little microcosm of pharmaceutical marketing communications, we can get so focused on social media and the opportunities it could unfold that it can blind us to what really matters. We are in this to help...