Angels We Have Heard… in Pharma?


By Sven Larsen (@zemoga)

This is the time of year for celebration, for doing good.

This is the time of year that you hear a lot about goodwill toward men.

But at work? The closest you’re likely to get to that is a basket of prepackaged snack foods, a printed greeting card, and your odd coworker getting uncomfortably tipsy at the holiday party, right?

Well, we here at Pixels and Pills beg to differ.

We’ve noticed, especially lately, that in spite of the economic downturn, in spite of the contraction of the industry, in spite of all of the uncertainty and hardship, there are still a lot of people in this industry not just doing good work – but doing good.

We’ve decided to spotlight one, not necessarily because they’re the best at it, but because we do think they’re the best at using social media to tell people about it.

Most, if not all, of the major pharmaceutical companies have some sort of charitable efforts, by whatever name – corporate social responsibility, global citizenship, etc. Some are more widespread, and more communicative, than others.

Johnson & Johnson is pretty well known for its Credo and its longstanding corporate-giving commitments. But theJNJBTW blog keeps us up to date on the various Johnson & Johnson charitable efforts, from the Safe Kids New Jersey campaign, to their work with mothers2mothers working to prevent post-natal HIV transmission in Africa – really, just check out all of the posts tagged with “citizenship” to get an idea of all they’re involved in.

Then, they cross-promote those posts on their Facebook fan page (which also includes links to their Youtube channel and Kilmer House historical blog), as well as on the @jnjcomm Twitter feed (which includes RTs, conversation, etc. – in other words, it’s a real, active Twitter account, not just a link bot).

For making it easy to know about the good that they do, we name J&J the pharma angel of this holiday season.



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